New York’s training requirements, which are provided by Able Health Care, are similar to the Federal standard- 75 hours of training, including 16 hours of supervised practical training. An additional requirement is that, at a minimum, fifty percent (50%) of each aide’s supervised practical training must be provided in a patient care setting
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. The curriculum includes the content outlined below:
- Orientation to home care and the role of home health aides
- Understanding basic human needs of individuals and families including understanding the elderly, infants and children, persons with physical illnesses, persons with physical disabilities and persons with mental disabilities
- Communication skills
- Basic elements of body function
- Patient rights and HIV confidentiality
- Safety, accident prevention and responses to emergencies
- Infection control and universal blood and body fluid precautions
- Personal hygiene and grooming including bed, sponge, tub or shower baths; skin, tub or bed shampoos; nail and skin care; oral hygiene; toileting and elimination
- Use of prescribed medical equipment and supplies
- Rehabilitation including safe transfer techniques and ambulation; normal range of motion and positioning; assistance with use of crutches, walkers, and hoyer lifts; and prescribed exercise programs
- Nutrition and fluid intake, to include preparation of meals for simple and complex modified diets
- Temperature, pulse, respiration, and blood pressure
- Simple test and measurements
- Maintaining a clean, safe environment
- Assistance with medication administration
- Special skin care
- Simple dressing changes
- Ostomy care
- Handling patient’s money, and
- Observing, reporting, and recording
After training, Able’s aides ability is evaluated by a registered nurse using the following methods:
- A written and/or oral examination that demonstrates the aide’s knowledge of the information presented in the classroom training, and
- Observation and demonstration by the aide of his/her competency in performing skills in the laboratory or patient care setting.