Able Health Care now offers CDPAP

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7 comments on “Able Health Care now offers CDPAP
  1. McReynald Balthazar says:

    what are your hourly rate pay for CDPAP

    • waynelasner says:

      Thank you for your inquiry… WE pay between $13 and $15 depending on wage parity and your location (City / non city). You can call the nearest Able Health Care branch office for more specific information.

  2. John Mueltack says:

    What specific training do you provide?

    • WebAdmin says:

      We provide CDPAP so you can care for your loved ones with confidence. WE also provide free HHA (Home Health Aide) training and certification if you would like to become a Certified Home Health Aide. Once certified, our coordinators can schedule cases. Able Health Care Service provides good pay and benefits. Please refer to the Jobs at Able for more information or call our office at 844-224-ABLE (2253). Select the option for “Employment Opportunities”. You can also call the branch office closest to you directly. The Numbers are listed on the “Contact” page.
      Thank you for your inquiry.

  3. Warren says:

    This is awesome news. My cousin became a CDPAP through Able so he could care for his Dad. They provided an ID and handled getting him paid.

    • webadmin says:

      Thank you, Warren. WE are seeing very good results when family members or close friends take an active part in taking care of their loved ones.

  4. Dave says:

    What is your hourly rate of pay for CDPAP caregivers?

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